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Issue 21


31 January 2023


What's new in 2023?

LifeWatch ERIC and the Andalusian government released further details this month regarding the nanosatellite to be launched as part of the European Regional Development Fund SmartFood project! The nanosatellite will be launched in October from a base in the United States.

News from the World of Research


In dialogue with Latin America & the Caribbean

The intricacies of the European Research Area


Have you had a look at LifeWatching Web TV? Why not start by learning more about the exciting work going on in the European Research Area, or dialogue with biodiversity information organisations beyond Europe?


A paper about the LifeWatch ERIC Tesseract Crustaceans Workflow has been published in "Frontiers on Environmental Science".


It's time to make your nominations for the WoRMS Top Ten Marine Species of 2022, to raise awareness of new marine species!


The kick-off meeting of the RESTORE4Cs project, which  focuses on restoring European wetlands, took place in Aveiro.


What is taxonomy– art, science, or a battleground? What insights can type localities reveal? Read the latest from LifeWatch Belgium.


The kick-off meeting the Italian Integrated Environmental Research Infrastructures System, ITINERIS, was held in late December.

FAIR-IMPACT, a project in which LifeWatch ERIC partners, has announced the opening of its call for 12 EOSC FAIR Champions.


Science for All


Season 3 of the LifeWatch ERIC podcast "A Window on Science" continues in 2023, with the latest episode's guests from the HCMR guiding listeners through the marine caves of the Mediterranean.




Institutional Bulletin


LifeWatch ERIC kicked off the year at the Punta Tech meet-up in Uruguay on 9 January, networking with technology and business stakeholders from all over the world, exchanging ideas and strengthening connections.


Upcoming Events


ENVRI Week 2023 – Leipzig, 30 January – 3 February

Training: Citizen Science across LTSER platforms – Online, 1 February

DiSSCo Futures – Brussels, 7 – 9 February

BioDT Webinar: Towards FAIR Digital Twins – Online, 13 February

Transfiere 2023  – Malaga, 15 February