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Issue 43


January 2025

Join us in Heraklion for the 

LifeWatch ERIC annual conference: 

#BEeS2025 coming soon!

Registrations and abstracts submissions are now open for this summer's conference in Heraklion, Greece! Submit your abstract by 15 April 2025 and secure your spot at the Biodiversity and Ecosystem eScience Conference 2025: LifeWatch ERIC's flagship event.

This year's theme, The Triple Planetary Crisis, will bring researchers together to discuss biological diversity and conservation, ecological responses to climate change, biogeography, taxonomy, biodiversity monitoring, and habitat mapping, all from an eScience perspective. 

Hosted by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC), the conference welcomes contributions from researchers and early-career scientists, including PhD and Master's Students.

We look forward to seeing you in sunny Heraklion!

News from the World of Research

LifeWatch Italy just held its Annual Conference 2025, hosted at CNR in Rome. An important event for the biodiversity and ecosystem research community in Italy, tackling strategic developments and opportunities of collaboration with other Research Infrastructures and relevant projects. Stay tuned to learn about the outcomes of the conference!

We are always happy when we can share some positive news and success stories, those that reward researchers for their hard work. The "May fish", as locals call it in the Flanders region, has finally made its comeback in the Scheldt River, from which it had disappeared due to the severe rate of pollution in the river's waters. 

"Taxonomy is a tough job, but someone has to do it!". Every year, the WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species (LifeWatch Belgium), takes on the challenge of selecting the top ten marine species, a tribute to the most interesting new discoveries from the oceans' depths. Nominations are open and it's your turn to get involved! The list will be revealed on 19 March: World Taxonomist Appreciation Day.

CISO (Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici), University of Salento and the Institute of Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems of the National Research Council (CNR-IRET), LifeWatch Italy and Or.Me. organise the 22nd Italian Ornithology Conference. The conference accepts proposals for symposia and round tables until 10 February! Participants are invited to propose topics of their own interest or general relevance.

Researchers at INBO, the Institute for Nature and Forest Research (LifeWatch Belgium), have long been working to protect fish in the Leie and Scheldt rivers. Recently, they assessed the effectiveness of fish passages implemented by the Flemish waterway authority, hoping these will help fish overcome human-made barriers that disrupt their migration to spawning habitats. 

DTO-BioFlow launches its second open call for marine biodiversity monitoring data, open until 28 February. The call invites international networks, citizen scientists, research institutes, universities and NGOs to contribute with marine biodiversity data to the European Digital Twin of the Ocean and facilitate sustained and long-term ingestion of previously inaccessible data.

Have you heard? There is a new release of EcoPortal, LifeWatch ERIC's repository of semantic resources for ecology and related domains: improved performance and a better user interface!


Pic of the month

Oxytoxum sceptrum

An elegant Cygnus atratus. Black Swans are the only entirely black-coloured swans in the world, except for the outer wing feathers in adults, which are hidden when the wings are folded. These birds feed mainly on aquatic plants. 

Picture taken in Lesina, Italy, by Massimiliano Manno (University of Salento).


22nd Italian Ornithology Conference

Call for symposia and round tables proposals

Deadline 10 February 2025

European Network of Agroecology Living Labs 

and Research Infrastructures: 1st wave of applications 

Deadline 28 February 2025

CSC Summer School in High-Performance Computing 2025 

Early bird registration open

Deadline 14 March 2025

World Conference on Marine Biodiversity

Call for Session Proposals and Back-to-back meetings

Deadline 31 March 2025

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