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Issue 36


May 2024

In Aveiro for the last Thematic Service Workshop to discuss science and policy

LifeWatch Portugal, in collaboration with all LifeWatch ERIC Common Facilities and National Distributed Centres, organised the sixth and final Thematic Service Workshop at the University of Aveiro in Portugal on May 3. The workshop, entitled “Habitat Mapping: From Science and Policy Needs to Solutions”, aimed to explore the intersection of science, policy and innovative solutions in habitat mapping.

News from the World of Research

At the EGU 2024 General Assembly in Vienna, LifeWatch ERIC co-hosted a session with ICOS-ERIC and the EGI Foundation to present the NaaVRE Virtual Research Environment.

In March 2024, Green Balkans placed three artificial nests for the Imperial Eagle within the European Green Belt. Watch the video to learn more about this and other biodiversity initiatives.

LifeWatch ERIC and CREA organised a meeting for the European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition—agroecology living labs and research infrastructures (AGROECOLOGY).

Tune in with our podcast series featuring our Service Centre Director, Prof. Alberto Basset, as he discusses biodiversity's importance in celebrating Biodiversity Day on May 22.


LifeWatch ERIC ICT-Core, Full time, Seville (Spain)

LifeWatch ERIC Service Centre, Full time, Lecce (Italy)

LifeWatch ERIC Service Centre, Full time, Lecce (Italy)

Institutional Bullettin

During the final stakeholder meeting of the Europa Biodiversity Observation Network on 27-28 May, our CEO Christos Arvanitidis and Michael Mirtl signed a Memorandum of Cooperation between LifeWatch ERIC and eLTER RI to advance ecosystem research and biodiversity conservation across Europe.

ESFRI is assessing active ERICs in three batches in 2022, including LifeWatch ERIC, which was granted the Landmark status in 2016. Our CEO Christos Arvanitidis thanked the Scientific and Technical Advisory Board and the General Assembly for their contribution to the report.

Inmaculada Figueroa, Spanish Ministry delegate to the LifeWatch ERIC General Assembly,  opened the RICH Europe Symposium on Research Infrastructures. The symposium focused on the development of open science in European research infrastructures.

Pic of the month

Lake Atanasovsko

This month's image comes from Valencia and was taken as part of our RESTORE4Cs project, which aims to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and habitat degradation to promote sustainable management of Europe's wetlands. The image shows the Marjal dels Moros, one of the RESTORE4Cs Case Pilots.

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